Time flies. This is a trite saying. We do not always realize it's truth. A young man starts out in life with high hopes and strong ambition. The years ahead of him look long to him. The day of his achievement seems in a far distant future. But the years pass, each succeeding one more swiftly than its predecessor. Soon he finds the time becoming so short in which he may accomplish his plans. In work or pleasure the changes come, and the time has flown so fast that account of it may not be taken. When one comes to middle life a year is scarce begun before it is gone. It is now that one begins to be impressed with the truth: time flies. The old world, the sun and moon and stars go on evenly in their courses; their pace is not changed. Yet how different to the one who, instead of seeing a summit to attain, looks down rather than up, and sees in the near distance the brink of a dark river to which he is rapidly nearing. Youth cannot too highly value the years, the months, the days, even the hours as they pass. Each day is a step toward age. Do not waste time...