When the Southern States began to secede from the Union in 1861, President Lincoln responded with military force, setting into motion one of the most destructive wars this nation has ever known. To some the lines were clear, to others they were blurred. Did the states have the Constitutional Right to secede and to govern themselves or should the Union be held together at all costs? These questions were especially unclear to those living in the border states.
On Maryland's Eastern Shore, many families gathered around their tables and argued the issues. Some chose one way, some chose the other. Thus the national division became infinitely personal.
For the Turner family, this War Between the States would test the love of father and sons, brother and brother, husband and wife. The questions began to grow much smaller than if the nation could survive this war. Could their family?
ON GROUNDS OF HONOR follows the eldest brother, Jeremiah Turner, as he enlists in the Union Army and pursues what he feels is the necessary course to honor his grandfather's legacy, who had fought against England in the War of 1812 to maintain national independence. But every choice has a cost. Donning the uniform of Federal Blue would mean becoming his brother's enemy.
FOR THE CAUSE OF FREEDOM tells the story of the younger brother, Charlie, who believed in the right of the states to make and enforce their own laws. Believing that any tyrannical government should be overthrown, Charlie enlisted in the Confederate Army to stand behind the sacrifice his grandfather had made for freedom. Neither Jeremiah nor Charlie could imagine just what personal price their choices would exact of them.
In the wake of the war, the fractured nation must find a way to live as one again. Former enemies are now citizens of the same country whether they like it or not. But how can they forget the violence they endured, the hatred that fueled it, and cover over the blood of more than six hundred thousand souls lost to the conflict? FROM FIELDS OF PROMISE explores the years after the surrender of General Lee. After four bitter years of fighting, can a Confederate veteran find his place on the Eastern Shore again, and can a widow whose husband lost his life to a defeated cause find a way to keep the one thing that was most valuable to him?