Good news! I've finished the rough draft and I'm on pace to have it in print by November! ALONG THE WAY is a historical romance set in small-town Ridgely, Maryland on the Eastern Shore during the first world war. It may be forever we part, little girl, And it may be for only a while. But if fight, Dear, we must, Then in God is our trust. So, send me away with a smile. -- John McCormack, 1917 Sophie is only seventeen when the United States joins the Great War and the mandatory conscription is enacted. All her dreams hang in the balance when her fiancé is drafted and sent to France to fight in the trenches. Searching for comfort and purpose, Sophie turns to her love of music, and through it, finds more than she ever expected. As she discovers new strength, Sophie feels compelled to take on a greater cause. While the young men are battling overseas in the name of democracy, she joins the crusade at home for women to have a voice in their government. Persevering through her own personal fears and losses, Sophie clings to the hope that the world—and her life—will one day be at peace again. |
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Rebekah Colburn Novelist Archives
June 2024